Crawford Media First person

Why I went missing

This is my first post in over a year because I was sucked into the crypto world. I worked for a blockchain gaming startup called Polemos, managing, writing, interviewing and making videos, and in all the months I haven’t been writing to you, I’ve been learning. Mostly learning things about YouTube and gaming, but also […]

Crawford Media First person

Paul Henry is “waiting to live”

I find the process of putting together the Crawford Media podcasts immensely satisfying, and never more than when I have beautiful material to work with. It’s like woodworking with good timber. That’s the situation I found myself in this week with this week’s conversation with Paul Henry, a New Zealand broadcaster of long experience and great […]

Crawford Media First person

News app Inkl’s difficult journey

Gautam Mishra is the founder and CEO of Inkl, a Melbourne-based news aggregator that has been quietly building audience for the past seven years. Years ago Mishra and his news app were mentioned to me by Jack Matthews, the former Fairfax Metro CEO, and I went and downloaded Inkl. Mishra had worked with Matthews at Fairfax, where he […]

Crawford Media First person

How to get audiences to pay when they don’t have to

Today, I present you with Margy Vary, former marketing director at The Guardian Australia, and the possessor of a keen analytical mind. Vary has applied that mind to the thorny and important question of how to coax money out of news audiences. In the podcast, Vary explains how she and her colleagues at The Guardian began […]

Crawford Media First person

The Conversation is the new face of public media

Recently I had a great discussion with the CEO of The Conversation in Australia and New Zealand, Lisa Watts. I wanted to dig a bit more into the success of the university/news hybrid that began in Melbourne 10 years ago, and how it has expanded globally. The idea of using subject matter experts within academia to […]

First person

Paddy Gower on how to become a TV natural

Patrick Gower, or Paddy as he is known, was one of my first and favourite New Zealand news discoveries. Not that I discovered him in the sense of a talent scout. As you’ll hear in the podcast, Paddy moved years ago from print to broadcast, where he established himself as one of the most well-known […]

First person

Reporting from the metaverse

I live south of Sydney, on the fringe of the national park, and most often on these cold, late-winter mornings there’s smoke on the air from wood heaters. We’ve been watching the “empty Olympics” on TV, we’re locked down, and see only the neighbours. Afghanistan is falling, the climate is warming, and I can sense […]

First person

In conversation with Tim Burrowes

For the first podcast of the Crawford Media experience I have the honour of presenting Mumbrella founder Tim Burrowes. The discussion covers the tumultuous last decade in Australian media history, as told in his book Media Unmade. Please find the link to the audio here. I went deep into the book in my review. Here you have […]

First person

Life, death and good design

When it comes to news output – as opposed to newsrooms – I’ve always known that appearances are important. The visual design, the presentation of news, is a language in itself, full of meaning and indicative of the care with which the news has been created. The story behind the Crawford Media logo design is […]